Friday 27 April 2018

Hanley Park Survey

On 22nd February, I finished and put a survey on Facebook for the public's opinion/experiences of Hanley park now, what they hope for it and if they feel safe, in order to understand the park more and to get more ideas for my art exhibition. While I'm waiting, I'll send out the survey using other methods to widen my audience.
After a week of waiting, I could only put the survey on Facebook and got 4 responses. I would've used hard copies but that would've to slow a process. So it wasn't a success maybe because I was looking for people who have been to the park before, therefore it was a limited audience. Next time, I'll think of more flexible questions like: 'What experience people have of restorations at park before?' If I use SurveyMonkey again, I try again with more methods to get the survey seen more. As for the responses I got there was one or two interesting ideas I could use for my artworks. For the future, I will take this method of research into account.

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