Friday 27 April 2018

Extra findings and Ending of Placement

Just before the exhibition on 9th March, it snowed and the temperature descended in Stoke and the new fountain was completely frozen over in ice. It really looked beautiful what nature does to m an-made objects.

Also I again took the advantage of the weather and walked around the park for the last time for new more documentation.

I also found more posters about the park which I missed and hope the public will take the time to read them.
Here is also some extra past photography from my walks that I considered using in influencing my artworks and documentation.

I've also observed other people doing there own activities around the park.

My placement is at an end of around 39 working hours and I've enjoyed working outside, creating site-responsive works, learning facts about Hanley park and volunteering for it. Next time, I would like to experience selling artworks and being part of summer events at Hanley park for another perspective. I wish I could spend more time to see more changes from winter to summer. I didn't quite complete all of my original intentions due to the time limit and my organisation skills. The experiences for my future career were all essential. Although I would like to experience selling artworks and working with individual clients. I would also like to continue in experiencing a residency in different environments for new challenges.

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