Friday 27 April 2018

Collection of 'Natural Forms'

On Wednesday 30th January, I walked around the park again but instead of documenting the changes,  I went around using whatever materials I could find (e.g. sticks, leaves, stones, etc) and used them to make patterns and forms. These were inspired by how the artist Andy Goldsworthy makes his artworks, when working with natural materials outside. His way of working would be a good way  actually producing work in the park. I took photographs after making these patterns, which I'm hoping to use in my exhibition.
I remember working with natural materials before but not outside. It was more muddy working outside. Luckily it wasn't raining that day. I definitely was more physical in making the works as well. It was fun though, and wasn't too tiring.
This is important as this is the first of my artworks to be made for my exhibition. I'll print them out on a professional material, other than just plain white paper. I left the patterns how they are when I finished all of them and maybe people might see them for real as to see what time does to them in comparison to my photos of them. It might get them to look around more, if they are curious in seeing the fate of them after seeing my exhibition.
I'll be decisive of them to choose the best ones for my exhibition later on. I might make some more in the park as well to have a bigger variety of works to choose from. I also need to work out what should the minimum of artworks be in my exhibition and ask for help putting them up.

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