Wednesday 11 April 2018

Changes continued

Starting from 30th January to 3rd February, I've seen more changes of signs and fences being moved about the park, the bridge being sealed off and painted, along with the weather changing. It's the same process as earlier on, except that I went to events happening in the park that week. (Will explain in 'Park Run' page). I'm not sure how many times I'll photograph more changes because there will be lots more even after March. So, I'll need to know when to stop before this semester and focus on preparing the exhibition.
I've been made a collection of artworks that I've photographed in the park, influenced by Andy Goldsworthy. I searched for whatever materials I could find (e.g. leaves, twigs, branches, stones, chipped wood, etc.) and made patterns with them, then photographed them. With these printed out, I'll present some of these in my exhibition and set out a small map as where I made them, for people to find if they want for then see what changes they have been through, in time.
I also had a meeting with Anna about my progress and she gave me some ideas about my artworks. Again, walking through the park is the same experience of walking, taking plenty of photographs and trying to notice nearly everything around you. You look at the bridge and first you think see is what you saw last time, you were there and then it changes into what you see now. That is the funny thing about time changing around you. These photos will influence my artworks and
I'll photograph the changes only one more time because with my exhibition coming up sooner than before, I should focus on that. (Look at 1st couple of visits compare to these photographs).

The bridge is painted a different colour now.
There may have been more white vases here before?

The whiteness on the red brick looks recent.
A quote found in Hanley Park.

There has been a lot of cleaning the park up by this gate.
There have been footpaths closed up temporary.
Most of the small pillars have been broken down and fences have been put up.

There will be different weathers that show different reflections in the canal.

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