Friday 27 April 2018

Art Exhibition - 'Phoenix'

On Friday 9th March, I went to the exhibiting space at 9.30am to finish preparing with Claire, by setting out the refreshments, the booklets and the feedback book. Claire also put outside a blackboard with details of the event so people may know where it is if they are looking for it or just walking by. I felt very nervous in trying to ask people to come in myself. I'm really glad Claire helped me today. After opening to the public, I supervised my exhibition 'Phoenix' from 10am to 4pm. Around 25 people came in this day and I explained the context behind each individual work, offered refreshments, gave out booklets and asked for feedback. I felt nervous when new people came in but as I started speaking, I got more confident. It was very repetitive but it got smoother the more times I said it with different people. I felt productive in supervising it.
25 people is a lot for a small space but I still felt like more people could've come but that's probably because it was still winter and not summer. Maybe more media and posters were needed to be put out? It's very hard trying to bring the public in. I will need to be more confident and try a little harder next time. Good thing Claire was there to help me.

The feedback written in my book from the audience was mostly positive:
  • Very interesting and inspirational.
  • We really enjoyed your work and hope to see more in the future - M.Cooke - 9/3/18
  • It's amazing to put together an exhibition with restrictions (cannot drill into the wall, etc) and you have put a lot of effort into this. You have also invited visitors to your exhibition on site which shows your confidence and passion for your artwork. The conversation you had with your viewers are intellectual and thought provocking, very efficent communication skills.
  • I really enjoyed it, really pretty.
  • I enjoyed your work and you take really nice photos and I love your drawing.
  • Hey, Keep it up! You got everything you need to be be a great artist! Full Power! - Grafo Dragos - 9.3.13
Judging from this feedback, the exhibition itself was a success. Although I think a bit differently... (will explain later in 'Ending of Placement' post)

Just to add on, I decided to name my exhibition 'Phoenix' because in mythology when a phoenix dies, it is reborn from its ashes. And that is what Hanley Park is going through right now in its restoration, being reborn from it's current state. It's also how Hanley Park was created from the dull industry lands and rose to a brighter public landscape. It also fit nicely, because there was a phoenix sculpture in the exhibition space already, which was a nice coincidence. I closed the exhibition at 4pm, which I think is the end of my placement of a total of 39 working hours. (Will explain later in 'Ending of Placement' post).

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