Friday 27 April 2018

Proposal for Placement

In December 2017, I wrote this proposal for my placement:
I’d like to propose a solo exhibition project named ‘Phoenix’ in a residency at Hanley Park. I’m interested in this because I want to challenge myself by working outside, producing artworks and ‘natural forms’ and ‘time’ are some of my interest’s. The park is going through changes with the Lottery Heritage Funding. In my recent works, at Staffordshire university, my experimental practise currently explores ‘memories’, ‘fragmentation’, ‘narratives’, ‘classical architecture’ and ‘time’. I’ll add in ‘beauty of nature’. The project will be producing art documenting on the history and changes happening now, therefore raising awareness in an exhibition with posters, leaflets and social media. It will be like a message to people in how the park can be celebrated and how the park can be beautiful all year round, not just in the summer.

The history of the park is interesting to learn, so people may like to learn as well, but in a visually way. My works will show that narrative with some elements of my studio practice. The past art projects and events of the park are a good influence for me to work in this area. Artists that may influence me are Andy Goldsworthy, Picasso, David Hockney, etc. I will use my own photographs, my recordings, drawings, found objects and images off the internet as references. As an artist, I would like to experience setting up an exhibition, work in a challenging environment, get feedback. My project will help raise awareness for the park, getting the park ready for after it’s restoration is complete.
The project will be presented all around the park, either at random or depending on the history of the specific area. I will produce my own works in painting, photography, found objects and whatever mediums I can use that are relevant. These works may be presented in photography on waterproof foam material (because of the weather). I’m hoping to get some feedback from the public about their opinion in how my exhibition contributes to the restoration. I’ll do at least 5 working days of this placement one day a week to see change but it may be longer. I’ll start from January to March, 2018, on Wednesday’s. The outcome is difficult to picture right now. Only an exhibition around the park on trees, walls, a gazebo and the ground.

I’ll present the exhibition spread out over the whole park. As for resources, I will need waterproof foam material for my artworks, in case it rains. There will be a need for printing. Most of my materials, I’ll get from university or Hanley or if you can spare materials, please let me know. I’ll need a drill and bits. There is no need for funding.

There are no risk assessments needed for now. I’m using nails and hammers to put my work in place around the park for the mediums of photography, painting and found objects. Depending on any other mediums I may use, there may be more risk assessments. I’ll let you know when I’ve made decisions.

Extra findings and Ending of Placement

Just before the exhibition on 9th March, it snowed and the temperature descended in Stoke and the new fountain was completely frozen over in ice. It really looked beautiful what nature does to m an-made objects.

Also I again took the advantage of the weather and walked around the park for the last time for new more documentation.

I also found more posters about the park which I missed and hope the public will take the time to read them.
Here is also some extra past photography from my walks that I considered using in influencing my artworks and documentation.

I've also observed other people doing there own activities around the park.

My placement is at an end of around 39 working hours and I've enjoyed working outside, creating site-responsive works, learning facts about Hanley park and volunteering for it. Next time, I would like to experience selling artworks and being part of summer events at Hanley park for another perspective. I wish I could spend more time to see more changes from winter to summer. I didn't quite complete all of my original intentions due to the time limit and my organisation skills. The experiences for my future career were all essential. Although I would like to experience selling artworks and working with individual clients. I would also like to continue in experiencing a residency in different environments for new challenges.